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Parable of the Prodigal Son

Today, as I was reading Luke 15:11-32, I realized that I have been both the younger son, wanting to have it all and be free, do my own thing, in my own way. I’ve fallen on my face. I have sinned in so many ways but most importantly, I sinned against my Father in heaven, Who loves me dearly. When I was finally at the end of my rope and truly ready to surrender my whole life to Him, He welcomed me with open arms. He never brought up my failures and sin, He loved me right where I was. He continues to love me right where I am.

Sadly, I can also see that I’ve been the other brother, looking on as people welcomed my brother home. I looked on with envy…”no one has ever done that for me” and I totally felt sorry for myself. No one has ever been happy to see me or recognized what I have done. I felt used and certainly not appreciated.

I already had my Father’s forgiveness and eternal life…isn’t that everything? But no, I wanted to be recognized. I did not realize that my brother was lost, condemned to hell and he came home to Father a broken man.

Yes, I’ve been in both places. I wanted the freedom of life but was bound by the sin of this world. It looks like it offered lots of fun but it almost killed me. The pleasures of this world are nothing compared to the joy of living a life for the Lord.

Then, I have been the ever faithful one, doing the Father’s will, seemingly unnoticed and unappreciated. In this state, I too, had to repent of the anger I felt. Repent of the bitterness deep within me. I had to repent of the unforgiveness I felt for my brother and yes, even my Father.

In reality, we all carry a bit of both brothers within and we certainly need the Father’s love and forgiveness on a daily basis. Each of us needs Him! Are you ready to surrender your life to Him? He’s waiting, He has compassion for you, and He’s ready to meet you and embrace you with the love that only He can offer.

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