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Sex Trafficking, Domestic, Violence, Pornography (Deviant and Perverted-Degenerate Behavior)

Profile of Evil

Sin is sin!

Pornography, rape, sex trafficking, domestic violence, pedophilia, slavery. Abusers come in all social economic groups, both male and female, rich and poor, all ethnic groups, all ages, all sexual orientations and religions; they can be whatever you want them to be so that they get what they want. They can be charming, they can be funny, they can be intelligent, they can be talented, they can make you believe that they are hard-working, they can make you believe that they are not into drugs or alcohol or sex. They are controlling, they are master manipulators, they are deceptive and crafty, although they make you believe that they care for you, they only look out and care about themselves.

When a society becomes so perverted, so evil, so hard-hearted, that they can kill their own children and then later brag about it, you know we have fallen far from God’s grace into the pit of hell.

At times they can be kind, you think they love you. Actually, you long to be loved so badly that you see hope, love and kindness where there really isn’t any. They will call you horrible names one minute and then the next tell you how sorry they are, just to draw you back in.

They can be a lawyer, a doctor, a banker, a farmer, a factory worker or even a family member (mother, father or siblings), or a trusted friend or can even be the President of a country, a corporation or a non-profit, someone so important that it never crossed your mind that he would abuse you in any way. He may call himself a Christian and use Scripture against you or he may be an atheist and ridicule you for your beliefs.

When they cannot control you or don’t like what you’ve done, they will call you horrific names, they will hit you, push you, choke you and the list goes on and on.

These sins can often go from generation to generation. It seems that the father teaches his son how to keep their victim in control. The girls learn that their daddy treats their mother a certain way and it must be acceptable so they end up in an abusive relationship too.

This abuse (of all kinds) can go far beyond bruises, scars and broken bones; it can go into the heart and mind of the victim. Those are the scars you don’t see. The victim goes into a survival mode and people around them will blame them for what is happening. The mind games are almost unreal! People looking on cannot even comprehend this sort of abuse because it doesn’t seem logical. The abuser beats the victim down when they try to use logic, there is always something wrong with the victim and soon the victim believes those lies.

Now imagine that you are married and your husband is stand-offish. Where he once made you feel loved, you now feel useless, a nothing in his eyes.

Has he taken on a new love? A mistress? Or is it beyond understanding as he sneaks away into the dark to get on his computer or phone to watch pornography.

Or perhaps you don’t suspect a thing and walk into a room where he is watching TV and, there he is, masturbating. The shock you feel! The betrayal! Unbelief and then wondering what you have done wrong that he would do this? And when you gain your voice and ask “what are you doing?” (Really, you see it, you know but you can’t believe it!) And the first thing to come out of his mouth is blaming you for not fulfilling his ”needs”. Blaming you! Can you imagine?

In disbelief we can only go to God and His Word for comfort.

“When the woman saw the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.” (Gen 3:6) Understand that as early as Adam and Eve, God intended for the man to be the woman’s spiritual covering, to protect her, to provide for her and to always be there for her. As we can see, Adam failed miserably. And realizing they were naked, they made some coverings out of leaves.

In walks God, coming to commune with His creation. Why do you suppose God asks, “Where are you?” God not only knew where they were but He knew what they had done. He asked this question to give Adam (and Eve) a chance to repent. To fall before God in humility and ask God to forgive them.

But instead, Adam starts making excuses but in the excuses, he admits that he’s naked. Leading God to ask the second question, “Who told you that you were naked?”

And immediately the man said, “The woman You put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”

So, the man blames the wife God has given him and the woman blames the serpent. No one takes responsibility for their behavior and they really are blaming God and, it seems that Adam forgets that God had told him “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.”

Adam was given a helpmate, they were in perfect unity, walking in integrity in serving God. But as it was with the first couple, we today don’t seem to stay satisfied for long—this is unless we keep our eyes and heart on Him who created us. Husband and wife, both are always vulnerable to satan’s tactics of leading us into sin.

Sin is painful among families. Sin is deceptive. Search your heart and mind to check yourself. All sin seems to start out so simple, so innocent but sin is sin. It separates us from God.

Find help if you are in the midst of such deviant behavior. If you are the victim of someone in your household taking you down to the pit, find someone to help you. It’s a slippery road, look for stability in Jesus Christ alone.

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