Last time I wrote I marked my notes and I was reading Judges, all about Gideon. I was reminded that our intentions may be good but the way we go about our “battle” can be totally wrong and displeasing to the Lord. Often we make bad decisions when we lack faith or when we do not go to the Lord before making that final decision.
With that, I have to share a bit about what I’ve been up to. First, I will remind each of you that God is still answering our prayers daily. At one point around my birthday (in November), I was just talking to the Lord and thanked Him for all the different jobs I’ve had in my life. Truly, I have been blessed with each job. I happen to mention to Him that I would have loved to work at a library again or longer but I am still happy with the blessings the Lord has given me!
In the middle of December, I was on vacation seeing family in Indiana when I get a message from a gal I play pitch with. It read, “Would you fill in as interim librarian until we get someone trained in Oakdale. We could work around the hours you already work.” Long story short, I met with the board once I returned home and was hired a few days before Christmas. The first month, there was lots of snow and sometimes I couldn’t make it to work.
I took the job knowing that it was more about what the Lord had in mind than being a director of the library. The first thing the board asked me was to move the children’s section to the adult section and the adult section to the children’s section. We are talking about 7,500 books and two of the board members came in to help me for the first leg of this journey.
We had our grand opening in early March with very few people coming in. It has been slow concerning patrons but I know that God is in this job. He called me to this tiny village and even tinier library to pray for the people, to minister to them and to be there to show someone cares.
One of my first patrons to come in was a homeless man who needed to get warm and to charge his phone. I worked as he talked. He was respectful and certainly had a lot of problems. His family came in and took him to Norfolk. I continue to pray for him. He has problems with drugs and is back in jail, last I heard. He needs Jesus…please pray!
For the last six weeks or so, I’ve had a man come in daily to have coffee, and get warm. The house he stays in has no water, electricity or heat. I also let him use the microwave so he makes food to take with him when we close each day. He loves reading and reads the whole time I am open. He needs Jesus…please pray!
I had a gal come in and ask me to tell her about the Bible. I was able to find out that she was afraid of going to hell. We talked, I presented Scripture to her, gave her a hug and look forward to having more talks with her. She needs to grow in Jesus…please pray!
Another gal came in this week, she also needs Jesus. It’s just a matter of time before I am able to talk with her. Please pray!
With those prayer requests, I realized quite early into taking this job, that God has me there for a purpose. To glorify Him!
So, about the time I use the excuse that I am 75 years young, who would hire me? God does…God hires those who are willing to glorify Him and obedient to His calling.
We have to remember that we must look beyond instant gratification to what God is asking us to do. It’s not always convenient. It’s not always fun. But, in serving Him, it is always satisfying!
Like so many in the Old Testament, we are a nation who is more interested in what we can get, we have become lazy and expect those around us to cater to our wants. We are out for a good time because we think we deserve it but is it what God wants from us?
Some are needed as prayer warriors, some for finances, some for your insight into unusual situations. Some to send notes of encouragement, some to call and see how you may help. The list goes on and on. Please know, you are needed! Seek the Lord.
Just as 1 Samuel 17:47 reminds us, “for the battle is the Lords”… It is through faith that David defeated Goliath. Or that Gideon defeated the enemy with only 300 men. I am pleading with you to draw on the Lord in faith and pray. Stay humble, obey, stay in the Word and pray!
I am calling on each of you to help me with the task of softening the hearts of people who are struggling, who have been hurt beyond belief and who need Jesus. Please pray!
With the Lord’s help, the victory is won with each of the people I’ve mentioned. But there are more, Lord give me strength! Please pray!